It is human nature to want to see the results of our decisions before we make them. We want to know, 'What will be the outcome if I choose _______ versus if I choose ________." It would be nice to be able to 'look into a crystal ball' and see the results of our decisions before we make them... but life doesn't work that way. God doesn't work that way.
By faith I chose to stay with my husband. By faith, I chose to honor the commitment I had made to him. It was only after I made that that crucial decision that God rewarded me with blessing upon blessing.
One of the first blessings I was to receive after choosing to love came in a vivid dream. I knew that choosing to love my husband after his infidelity would be extremely painful and difficult on our love life. How could I be intimate with a man who had betrayed me and had been intimate with other women? How would I overcome the mental torment of picturing him lying with others who were not his betrothed? How could I heal from that? I sought The Lord for help. He answered me in a dream.
The evening of the night I made that choice to continue to love my husband, I found myself crying out for God's healing hand upon our marriage. I knew that only He could heal our broken hearts. Shortly after drifting off into sleep, the dream began. I was walking through the halls of a hospital. Everywhere I looked, there was white. The walls were white, the floors were white, the doors were white... even the nurses were clothed in white. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I knew what I was looking for... I was looking for my husband. Somehow I knew that he was sick and that he was getting medical help in a room somewhere. I had this pressing urge to find him as quickly as I could. Taking a deep breath, I approached a nurse and asked for my husband. She pointed me to the Intensive Care Unit. My heart sank... it was worse than I thought.
Mustering up what courage remained, I walked forward and opened the door. I will never forget the sight that met my eyes. The entire room was bathed in white. The marble tile on the floor...bright white. The billowy drapes hanging over the windows...bright white. The sheets upon the bed...bright white. The curtain dividing the room...bright white. Then I looked up to the man lying in the bed. He was naked from the waist up, with a white sheet carefully draping the lower half of his body. The look upon his face was one of perfect peace. It was my husband... Unlike I had ever seen him before. He was changed. He looked upon me with loving eyes and gently patted the bed beside him, beckoning me to his side. A wave of joy shot through me. I ran to him, sat down beside him, and laid my head on his chest. I started to cry. He rubbed my back and told me everything is going to be alright... He was where he needed to be... he was healing.
I woke up from my dream with so many emotions flooding through me. The first was complete gratitude. I was immediately grateful that God had gifted me with such a dream. It was complete affirmation of the choice I had made. Right away, I knew what the dream meant. The hospital was a place of recovery... My husband was in the road to recovery and redemption. The nurses were God's angels ministering to us in our time of need. The white obviously stood for purity... God was healing my husband, making him pure. He once was sick, but he was being healed. He once was blind, but he was starting to see.
That beautiful dream affirmed to me that day exactly what God was doing... Healing. Ater all, our God is the God who heals. In the months and years that have followed that dream, I think back upon it with awe and admiration. God spoke to me that night. He clearly showed me His plan for restoration and healing. The beauty is that He chose to do so after I made the choice to follow Him. It wasn't until I took that step of faith to choose to love and stand by my husband that I was rewarded with such an affirming dream as that. God asks for our obedience... before we can see the results of it. But so often it is our obedience that will result in blessings beyond measure.
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